Metadata project I.C. Fest ALGOPOL
Folder contains data collected for the NWO-funded research project ALGOPOL (see also Data was collected for the PhD research conducted by Isabelle... -
Wealth in the Netherlands
Growing wealth inequality is a major socio-economic challenge, and recently the OECD pledged for an inheritance tax. Nonetheless, lack of empirical evidence impedes... -
Production of intonational phrase boundaries in Dutch 2.0
The dataset 'Production of intonational phrase boundaries in Dutch' is part of a PhD project on development of prosodic phrasing before birth and in the first year of life,... -
Cooperation Through Rational Investments in Social Organization
Repeated interactions and contractual agreements are examples of different ways of organizing interactions in social and economic life and can foster cooperation in social... -
Digital ethics
Interview transcripts for study in embedding digital ethics as an organizational practice. We conducted interviews with respondents from a local government organization as well... -
This data package involves transcript from expert interviews for a consultancy project from (USG). Several experts were consulted for this project. During the interviews, the... -
In gesprek over visualisaties van de verwachte pensioenuitkering
Deze data horen bij een interviewonderzoek naar hoe pensioendeelnemers visualisaties van hun verwachte pensioenuitkering interpreteren. We onderzochten drie soorten... -
Appendix reference list
Publications included in systematic literature review (DOI; Title; Abstract; Author(s); Journal; Year of publication). -
Greek Lesbian Teachers: School, Nation, Family
This database is compiled as part of my research project on lesbian teachers in Greece, culminating in my PhD dissertation under the title “Greek Lesbian Teachers: School,... -
Vital@2040 professional and policy makers data
The aim of Vital@2040 is to increase physical activity among groups of children with lower physical activity rates, by contributing to the development and evaluation of... -
Reputation employee q-sort data
This folder holds data from a Q-Methodology study with employees of Dutch regulatory agencies. This study was conducted in 2022-2023 as part of the Toezicht met Gezag project... -
The dark side of people management: A systematic literature review of nonline...
This study explores the dark side of people management, a combination of HRM and leadership. We conceptualize the ‘dark side’ as the nonlinear effects of people management and... -
ChatGPT as an informant
Grammaticality judgments performed by two LLMs and 20 human subjects, on general Dutch test sentences (items 1-10), Dutch long movement in island contexts (items 21-52), and... -
Cooperation Through Rational Investments in Social Organization
Repeated interactions and contractual agreements are examples of different ways of organizing interactions in social and economic life and can foster cooperation in social... -
Experimental Evidence for reaction-induced weakening of (Carbonated) Serpenti...
We analysed the frictional behaviour of antigorite and carbonated antigorite fault gouges in rotary-shear experiments at Utrecht University. Experiments were conducted at... -
Data supplement to: Burrowing blocks of CO2 ice create sinuous gullies on Mar...
In this data package, experimental data is stored from experiments in the Mars Chamber at The Open University, Milton Keynes, United Kingdom, and elevation data from Russell... -
Data supplement to: "Effects of bedrock strength and debris-flow composition ...
Experimental data on bedrock erosion by debris flow experiments. The data in this folder is supplementary to the manuscript "Effects of bedrock strength and debris-flow... -
Soil, vegetation and soil biota data of a fen peat mesocosm experiment
This folder contains data files on soil biota data and soil and vegetation data of a mesocosm experiment in which 40 peat cores were exposed to various groundwater and nutrient... -
WIMBY D1.7 Impact assessment on terrestrial and marine fauna (a)_Pantelleria
Habitat suitability of each species was modelled. The output from this is a habitat suitability map where the values range from 0.0 to 1.0 which represent lowest and highest... -
Multi-Dry Chapter 1
PET and SPEI calculations used in Multi-Dry Chapter 1. PET data available at 0.5 degrees spatial resolution (1950-2023). SPEI data available at 0.1 (2000-2023) and 0.5... -
WIMBY D1.7 Impact assessment on terrestrial and marine fauna (a)_Styria
Habitat suitability of each species was modelled. The output from this is a habitat suitability map where the values range from 0.0 to 1.0 which represent lowest and highest... -
PCR-GLOBWB output - 4dHydro working package 5
4dHydro working package 5 is dedicated to provided a set of land-surface and hydrological model community outputs for several calibration/assimilation experiments. These... -
WIMBY D1.1 Bias correction ERA5 ratios
Bias correction ratios (U GWA/U ERA5) considering the microscale influences on the wind speed as computed by the Global Wind Atlas (GWA). Two datasets are provided for two... -
WIMBY D1.1 Mean wind speed by height, month, and time of the day
The data were created by averaging wind speeds at three heights [50, 100 and 200 m] over the month and hour of the day for the period (2013-2022). We select an area containing... -
X-ray Images to Detect Biofilm Distribution inside Slow Sand Filters
The data shows x-ray images of the samples taken from different slow sand filters in the Netherlands to obtain sand grains structure and biofilm distribution in water filters.... -
WIMBY D2.2 Location and health impact information of wind power accidents in ...
The map in the file wind_turbine_accidents_map_europe.html shows the risk assessment for wind power accidents in Europe from 2000 to 2022. -
WIMBY D2.2 Lden measurement for populations exposed to wind turbines noise in...
The map in the file Lden_map_Switzerland_2023-12-04.html shows the results of the noise impact analysis of the 50 currently operating wind turbines in Switzerland. The maps find... -
WIMBY D1.6 Collision mortality for 22 bats and 320 birds: Summary maps at the...
The data folders contain summary statistics at the assemblage (grid-cell) level of estimated collision-mortality rates, calculated across 320 bird species and 22 bat species... -
WIMBY D1.6 Estimated species-level collision mortality rates
These .csv files contain the species-level estimates of collision-mortality rate (mean estimated number of collision victims per year and per turbine, and 95% credible... -
WIMBY D1.6 Mean species-level collision mortality estimate, spatially explici...
Description: These folders contain species-level collision mortality estimates plotted onto species' areas of suitability, for 22 bats and 320 birds. - The species-level... -
WIMBY D2.3 - Shadow flicker testing result
These data provide the simulated shadow flicker results calculated by the WIMBY-SF calculator for the testing phase in the year 2023. There are three sets of shadow flicker... -
Toolbox VET-ENHANCE project
Toolbox VET-ENHANCE studie -
Metadata results performance indicators
Additional file 4 (Pdf) contains the results of the performance indicators as published. The formulas of the performance indicators are published in a separate article. -
Hazard and Risk Assessment tool for the Groningen Gas Field, the Netherlands
In October 2012, NAM (Nederlandse Aardolie Maatschappij BV) commenced with the study and data acquisition research program for induced seismicity in the Groningen gas field,... -
WIMBY D2.5 Landscape impact metrics for Switzerland
This dataset contains the four adapted landscape metrics for Switzerland from the Swiss landscape wilderness study by Radford et al. (2018) : naturalness, human impact,... -
Dataset for publication: Determining the relationship between mobile phone ne...
This dataset contains the underlying (folder: ‘Data’) and extended data (folder: ‘Extended Data’) used in the publication entitled "Determining the relationship between mobile... -
CONDOR (Chilean ObservatioNs of DrOught chRonologies)
Tree rings as indicators of drought impacts. Download digital samples of tree rings from: Download time series of observations, ERA5... -
Dataset for publication: Determining the relationship between mobile phone ne...
This dataset contains the underlying (folder: ‘Data’) and extended data (folder: ‘Extended Data’) used in the publication entitled "Determining the relationship between mobile... -
Mineralogical characterization data of Fe oxides during interaction with flui...
Mineralogical characterization (XRD, FTIR, and Raman spectroscopy) of oxides including poorly crystallized goethite (GX), well crystallized goethtie (GN), synthesized hematite... -
PCR-GLOBWB experiment 1-0 output - 4dHydro working package 5 [UPDATED]
4dHydro working package 5 is dedicated to provided a set of land-surface and hydrological model community outputs for several calibration/assimilation experiments. These... -
Data purchasing by governments in the context of societal challenges: A mappi...
To tackle complex societal challenges, governments need to make evidence-based decisions and need the best available data as input. Much of the relevant data (e.g. user location... -
Micro-computed tomography data of solute transport in a saturated and unsatur...
This dataset was used in the study of Van Offenwert et al. (2024). It contains time-resolved laboratory-based micro-CT images of saturated and unsaturated solute injection... -
Combined turbidity current—contour current flow experiments
This data set shows velocity profiles and concentration profiles of flume experiments that model the behavior of combined turbidity current—contour current flow. A channel... -
HYDE data for the Global Carbon Budget (2022)
This HYDE version is used as input for the 2022 Global Carbon Budget estimate, version hyde32_MapBiomas_v12 Major updates: • Use of different remote sensing imagery (MODIS)... -
Data supplement to "The dynamics of CO2-driven granular flows in gullies on M...
The data presented in this package stems from two sets of experiments with CO2-driven granular flows under Martian atmospheric conditions. These experiments were conducted two... -
Replication Data for: Assessing the Impact of Grain Size on Magnetic Measurem...
This Dataset contains all data (and more!) required to replicate the results presented in the manuscript. All data processing is carried out in jupyter notebooks... -
Data supplement to "The dynamics of CO2-driven granular flows in gullies on M...
The data presented in this package stems from two sets of experiments with CO2-driven granular flows under Martian atmospheric conditions. These experiments were conducted two... -
Wetting properties of sulphide melts at conditions relevant to the mantles of...
This data package contains the reconstructed scans presented in the paper of Beyer et al. 2024, Sulfide melt wetting properties in Earth's mantle: New constraints from combined... -
Evaluating Self-Healing on Mortars by Coupling Water Permeability Assessments...
This dataset contains 18 reconstructed Micro-computed tomography (µCT) scans. These scans belong to nine samples (50 x 45 mm) and the reconstructed images from these scans... -
PCR-GLOBWB experiment 1-0 output - 4dHydro working package 5
4dHydro working package 5 is dedicated to provided a set of land-surface and hydrological model community outputs for several calibration/assimilation experiments. These...