4dHydro working package 5 is dedicated to provided a set of land-surface and hydrological model community outputs for several calibration/assimilation experiments. These experiments include simulations over different resolutions and calibration/assimilation with earth-observed (EO) satellite products. The aim of these experiments is to investigate the added value of EO products for hydrological simulations. This data package contains the outputs for the PCR-GLOBWB hydrological model (globalhydrology.nl/research/models/pcr-globwb-2-0), which was developed at Utrecht University. See https://opensciencedata.4dhydro.eu/ for links to outputs from other models. Outputs are formatted according to the 4dHydro working package 5 storage protocol. For more information, please contact Bram Droppers (b.droppers@uu.nl) or Niko Wanders (n.wanders@uu.nl).
A new version of this dataset was released, which can be found here; https://public.yoda.uu.nl/geo/UU01/8BVQCA.html