Production of intonational phrase boundaries in Dutch 2.0

The dataset 'Production of intonational phrase boundaries in Dutch' is part of a PhD project on development of prosodic phrasing before birth and in the first year of life, which is part of the larger research project 'Sound Start' on early prosodic development. This data was collected for a study focusing on the acoustic cues that are used by speakers to indicate major prosodic boundaries in Dutch. The dataset consists of recordings of 16 adult native speakers of Dutch, who produced utterance-medial intonation phrase (IP) boundaries in two syntactic contexts: coordinated name sequences and compound sentences. In both contexts, target utterances were elicited both with and without an IP boundary. These recordings were first segmented and annotated. Then, preboundary pitch height, IP-final and pre-IP-final syllable durations, and pause durations at the IP boundary were measured in PRAAT and exported into a csv file. Finally, results were statistically analyzed. PRAAT scripts, PRAAT textgrid files, the csv data file and an R-markdown file containing the statistical analysis are included in the dataset. In addition, materials that were used to elicit target utterances are included. For more details about this study, see the article 'Production of intonational phrase boundaries in Dutch'.

Additional Info

Creator(s) Jorik Geutjes; Caroline Junge; Aoju Chen
Access type Access type not present
Collections SoundStart
Publisher Utrecht University
Year of publication 2024