Grammaticality judgments performed by two LLMs and 20 human subjects, on general Dutch test sentences (items 1-10), Dutch long movement in island contexts (items 21-52), and English long movement in island contexts (LLMs only, items 11-20). Human judgments collected via online survey.
[analysisGPT] folder containing data file and analysis script for experiment 1 (GPT)
[analysisGPTvsHumans] folder containing data file and analysis script for comparison of GPT to human performance
[analysisHumans] folder containing data file and analysis script for experiment 2 (humans) (anonymous)
[qualtrics_experiment_humans] folder containing the qualtrics experiment (experiment 2), including instructions and information letter containing ethical approval
[dutchprompts.pdf]Dutch language prompts
[testitems.pdf]Test item sets