In this data package, experimental data is stored from experiments in the Mars Chamber at The Open University, Milton Keynes, United Kingdom, and elevation data from Russell crater mega dune on Mars.
The experimental data contains Digital Elevation Models (DEM) of Difference (DoDs) of experiments conducted under Martian atmospheric conditions to simulate the formation of linear dune gullies on Mars by releasing blocks of CO2-ice on a sandy flume slope. Furthermore, the experimental data shows videos of 5 key experiments presented in the manuscript and high speed footage of the two CO2-block transport mechanisms.
The elevation data contains the original HiRISE DEM from the Russell crater mega dune region, and the refined DEM created by Doute, S., & Jiang, C. (2020) - doi:10.1109/TGRS.2019.2937172.
Contact person is Lonneke Roelofs - PhD Candidate -