WIMBY D1.1 Mean wind speed by height, month, and time of the day

The data were created by averaging wind speeds at three heights [50, 100 and 200 m] over the month and hour of the day for the period (2013-2022). We select an area containing Europe from 35N-72N and 15W-35E. The resulting matrix has dimensions of (12,24,2,149,201). The horizontal grid spacing is 0.25 degrees by 0.25 degrees. We recommend that this data be biased corrected using the ratio_gwa2_era5.nc dataset for application models.

Additional Info

Source http://doi.org/10.24416/UU01-TNSZBJ
Creator(s) Andrea Hahmann
Access type Open Access
Collections WIMBY - Wind in my backyard
Publisher Utrecht University
Year of publication 2024