Dataset for publication: Determining the relationship between mobile phone network signal strength and radiofrequency electromagnetic field exposure: protocol and pilot study to derive conversion functions.

This dataset contains the underlying (folder: ‘Data’) and extended data (folder: ‘Extended Data’) used in the publication entitled "Determining the relationship between mobile phone network signal strength and radiofrequency electromagnetic field exposure: protocol and pilot study to derive conversion functions". In addition, it includes the RScripts used to analyse the data (folder: ‘Scripts’) and the dataset codebooks (folder: ‘Data_codebooks’).

This dataset was collected as part of the European Union’s Horizon-funded ETAIN (Exposure To electromAgnetic fIelds and plaNetary health) project. The data was used to investigate the relationships between signal strength indicators (SSIs) recorded by an open-access smartphone app and radiofrequency electromagnetic field (RF-EMF) exposure related to mobile phone use. The main objective of the analysis was to develop conversion functions to estimate RF-EMF exposure from far-field sources and from the handset using cellular SSIs.

Additional Info

Creator(s) Nekane Sandoval-Diez
Access type Open Access
Publisher Utrecht University
Year of publication 2024