Model output for the paper "Reconciling the conflicting extent of overriding ...
This repository contains the relevant data (part of numerical model output) used to plot the figures in the main body of the manuscript mentioned in the title, authored by Mario... -
Cornelis Booth, Catalogus der handschriften van Aernout van Buchell
Beschrijving, discussie en transcriptie van Utrecht, Universiteitsbibliotheek, Hs. 1831 door Bart Jaski en Kees Smit. Hs. 1831 bevat een korte lijst met handschriften van... -
ONLY ERP data and scripts
Archive of processed aggregated EEG, behavioral, and background information. Data are from the ONLY study, reported in the paper 'Prosodic processing in sentences with ‘only’ in... -
Networks and New Mutualism
This folder contains all Mplus and Rscripts used to run the analyses and create the figures as reported in 'Vriens, E., Buskens, V., & de Moor, T. (2019). Networks and new... -
Reading about us and them: Moral and but not minimal group effects on langua...
This folder contains the updated version of a previously archived package with DOI: 10.24416/UU01-2SO9TE . It contains all information regarding the experimental set-up, data,... -
Individual training and employees’ cooperative behavior: evidence from a cont...
Employers are constantly seeking to improve employee performance by means of investing in employee training. The results of training are to a large extent dependent on... -
Supplementary data to: Presence of nanoplastics in rural and remote surface w...
This is the repository of the supplementary, data and it contains: 1. Raw .h5 data files as original output of TD-PTR-MS for Swedish measurements; 2. Raw .h5 data files as... -
Large-scale biaxial experiments on frictionally heterogeneous faults: Mechani...
Frictional heterogeneity within fault zones is one of the factors proposed to explain the spectrum of slow, intermediate, and fast slip behaviors exhibited by faults in nature.... -
Competitive Exclusion Prevents Colonization and Compartmentalization Reduces ...
Dataset was created for transmission experiment of ESBL producing E. coli transmission in broilers under semi-field conditions incl. interventions. Publishing the data is a part... -
Cost of Basic Needs based Global Poverty estimates, 1983-2014
This dataset provides global poverty estimates using the method of cost of basic needs, covering the period 1983-2014, as have been calculated for the "Global Absolute Poverty:... -
Data Package: Improving the prediction of glassy dynamics by pinpointing the ...
Data package accompanying the publication "Improving the prediction of glassy dynamics by pinpointing the local cage" in the Journal of Chemical Physics. This package provides... -
Dataset - Reciprocal relations between symptoms of complicated grief, depress...
Abstract Objective: Involuntary job loss can lead to symptoms of complicated grief (CG), depression, and anxiety. Information about the temporal linkage between these symptoms... -
Illustration of irrigation patterns for a subset area in the Central Rift Val...
These files show the output for a subset area located in the Central Rift Valley, Ethiopia (incorporates the city Adama and Koka Lake), following the workflow in the associated... -
Particle Tracking data for 'Basin-scale sources and pathways of microplastic ...
Simulations using Parcels v2.0.0beta2 for the manuscript 'Basin-scale sources and pathways of microplastic that ends up in the Galapagos Archipelago' -
Supporting data set for manuscript "Remediation of annular gas migration alon...
Brief description of the Data: This folder contains data for a study on reactive sealing of microannuli along wellbore casing-cement interfaces. The data set consists of four... -
Stress-cycling data uniaxial compaction of quartz sand in various chemical en...
Decarbonisation of the energy system requires new uses of porous subsurface reservoirs, where hot porous reservoirs can be utilised as sustainable sources of heat and... -
Partner-specific Behavior in Social Networks: Coordination among Actors with ...
These data were gathered to study coordination games in which individuals have conflicting preferences. We propose the actors’ ability to vary behavior when interacting with... -
Arnoldus Buchelius, VOC-dagboek 1619-1639
Transcriptie, editie en vertaling van Kees Smit van het VOC-dagboek van Aernout van Buchell (1565-1641) voor de jaren 1619-1639. In die periode was Buchelius een van de... -
Data supplement to "Estuarine morphodynamics and development modified by floo...
Data was generated for three experimental, sandy estuaries in the 20 m long Metronome tidal flume https://www.uu.nl/metronome. The conditions were the same, except that one... -
Data from seismic slip-pulse experiments simulating induced earthquake ruptur...
Rock materials show dramatic dynamic weakening in large-displacement (m), high-velocity (~1 m/s) friction experiments, providing a mechanism for the generation of large, natural...