Javanese Rice Prices 1823-2006

The dataset in this datapackage was constructed for the 'Indonesian Economic History' project, which has been a concerted effort of several researchers at different universities and research institutions. The aim of the project was to reconstruct the national accounts of Java (1815-1939) and of Indonesia (1900-2000) and to analyze the long-term evolution of the economy of Indonesia in this period. The reconstructed national accounts form the prime source of information about the economy's development over time. The national accounts provide an analytical framework for a more thorough understanding of changes and discontinuities in the economic performance of Indonesia.

This dataset consists of the following parts : - 1823-1870: prices in guilders per koyang in three cities - 1878-1897: prices in guilders per pikul in three cities: from Koloniaal Verslag. (1880-1900). (Report on the state of the colonies), included in Handelingen der Staten Generaal, Den Haag: Landsdrukkerij. - 1924-1931: retail prices in guilders per pikul in various cities on Java; from Maandstatistieken van het Centraal Kantoor voor de Statistiek, - 1931-1941: retail prices in Jan 1934-Dec. 1937: in cents per pikul; Jan 1938-1941: in cents per 100 kg; Maandcijfers betreffende den economischen toestand der inheemsche bevolking op Java en Madoera, deel A, 1934-1939. - 1949-2006: Average retail prices of rice in 11 consumption centers (common quality of rice), in rupiah per kg; 1949-1956: Mears, Leon A. (1961), Rice marketing in the Republik of Indonesia. Djakarta: University of Indonesia; 1969-1984: Statistik Bulog, 1969-1984; 1985- 2006: Laporan mingguan, Bank Indonesia. Statistik Ekonomi Moneter Indonesia.

Additional Info

Creator(s) Jan Luiten van Zanden
Access type Open Access
Collections Indonesian Economic History
Publisher Utrecht University
Year of publication 2018