Ocean Surface Connectivity in the Arctic: Capabilities and caveats of community detection in Lagrangian Flow Networks

In- and output-data for the experiments in the manuscript "Ocean Surface Connectivity in the Arctic", as well as a snapshot of the Github repository related to this research (https://github.com/daanreijnders/arctic-connectivity - snapshot taken on 15 April 2020).

Data consists of: - matrices that arise from particle simulations (matrices folder) - Lagrangian flow networks corresponding to these matrices (networks folder) - communities output by Infomap (communities folder) - miscellaneous output (misc folder)

An in-depth explanation of filenames is found in README.md

Additional Info

Source http://doi.org/10.24416/UU01-IN0OU9
Creator(s) Daan Reijnders
Access type Open Access
Publisher Utrecht University
Year of publication 2020