World Bank's PovcalNet Distributional Data for Poverty Research

Using materials and methods already made publicly available by Dykstra et al. (2014), I hereby make available the latest distributional data from World Bank's PovcalNet as of October 2nd, 2018. These data are used in the poverty estimates by the PovcalNet interactive online tool. Having these data locally, an independent scholar can experiment with extensive poverty line configurations that PovcalNet cannot accommodate at its present version.

NOTE: the data contained here are provided under a restrained version of the CC BY 4.0, see the License.txt for the full terms and conditions as stipulated in the terms and conditions of the World Bank datasets see. Also read the World Bank terms and conditions here: The python scripts available in this datapackage are provided under CC BY 4.0.

Additional Info

Creator(s) Michail Moatsos
Access type Access type not present
Collections Global Distributional Data
Publisher Utrecht University
Year of publication 2018