Top-view and cross-section photographs from analogue experiments of strain partitioning around a rigid indenter performed in the Tectonic modelling laboratory (TecLab) at Utrecht University

This dataset contains original top-view and cross-section photographs of 12 crustal-scale analogue models. Top-view photographs were taken in regular time intervals from the beginning until the end of each experiment (for details see below). Cross-section photographs were taken at the end of each experiment. Therefore, top-view photographs provide means to track and analyse surface deformation through time and space and cross-sections allow to demonstrate overall vertical deformation of each model. The data are grouped in 12 folders that contain the data for the individual models (model1 to model12). The numbering of the folders corresponds to the model numbers as described in Krstekanić et al. (2020, in prep.). Each folder contains two sub-folders named m#-cross-sections and m#-top-views where m stands for the model and # for the number of the model (i.e., the same number as the parent folder). The m#-cross-sections sub-folder contains one top-view photograph indicating the locations of the cross-sections as well as the pertinent cross-section photographs. A number in each cross-section photograph corresponds to the number next to the cross-section location in the top-view. The m#-top-views sub-folder contains all top-view photographs of that particular model, from its initial, undeformed state to the end of the experiment. All photographs are in .jpg format and their names are original generic names created by the camera software at the moment of acquisition.

The data is provided in 12 subfolders for 12 models. Detailed information about the files in these subfolders as well as information on how the data is processed is given in the explanatory file krstekanic-et-al-2020-data-documentation.docx. Contact person is Nemanja Krstekanić - PhD Candidate - -

Additional Info

Creator(s) Nemanja Krstekanić; Ernst Willingshofer
Access type Open Access
Publisher Utrecht University
Year of publication 2020