WIMBY D1.7 Impact assessment on terrestrial and marine fauna (a)_Pantelleria
Habitat suitability of each species was modelled. The output from this is a habitat suitability map where the values range from 0.0 to 1.0 which represent lowest and highest... -
WIMBY D1.7 Impact assessment on terrestrial and marine fauna (a)_Styria
Habitat suitability of each species was modelled. The output from this is a habitat suitability map where the values range from 0.0 to 1.0 which represent lowest and highest... -
WIMBY D1.1 Bias correction ERA5 ratios
Bias correction ratios (U GWA/U ERA5) considering the microscale influences on the wind speed as computed by the Global Wind Atlas (GWA). Two datasets are provided for two... -
WIMBY D1.1 Mean wind speed by height, month, and time of the day
The data were created by averaging wind speeds at three heights [50, 100 and 200 m] over the month and hour of the day for the period (2013-2022). We select an area containing... -
WIMBY D2.2 Location and health impact information of wind power accidents in ...
The map in the file wind_turbine_accidents_map_europe.html shows the risk assessment for wind power accidents in Europe from 2000 to 2022. -
WIMBY D2.2 Lden measurement for populations exposed to wind turbines noise in...
The map in the file Lden_map_Switzerland_2023-12-04.html shows the results of the noise impact analysis of the 50 currently operating wind turbines in Switzerland. The maps find... -
WIMBY D1.6 Collision mortality for 22 bats and 320 birds: Summary maps at the...
The data folders contain summary statistics at the assemblage (grid-cell) level of estimated collision-mortality rates, calculated across 320 bird species and 22 bat species... -
WIMBY D1.6 Estimated species-level collision mortality rates
These .csv files contain the species-level estimates of collision-mortality rate (mean estimated number of collision victims per year and per turbine, and 95% credible... -
WIMBY D1.6 Mean species-level collision mortality estimate, spatially explici...
Description: These folders contain species-level collision mortality estimates plotted onto species' areas of suitability, for 22 bats and 320 birds. - The species-level... -
WIMBY D2.3 - Shadow flicker testing result
These data provide the simulated shadow flicker results calculated by the WIMBY-SF calculator for the testing phase in the year 2023. There are three sets of shadow flicker... -
WIMBY D2.5 Landscape impact metrics for Switzerland
This dataset contains the four adapted landscape metrics for Switzerland from the Swiss landscape wilderness study by Radford et al. (2018) : naturalness, human impact,...