Corporate network data - Switserland

To create this dataset we used a sample of the 100 largest Swiss companies for eight benchmark years in the twentieth and twenty-first centuries (1910, 1929, 1937, 1957, 1980, 1990, 2000 and 2010). We included the 25 most important firms in the financial sector (banks, insurance companies and financial companies) and the 75 largest industrial firms. Moreover, we derived the composition of the board of directors (BoD) and the main executive director(s) (1– 4 people, depending on the year and the company) from different publications such as stock exchange manuals, financial yearbooks, annual reports of the firms and enterprises’ monographs.

The data on big linkers and central firms, that are part of this project, are not part of this data package.

Additional Info

Creator(s) Stéphanie Ginalski; Thomas David; André Mach
Access type Open Access
Collections Corporate Networks Data
Publisher Utrecht University
Year of publication 2019