PCR-GLOBWB community reference output - 4dHydro working package 2 [updated]

4dHydro working package 2 is dedicated to provided a set of land-surface and hydrological model community reference outputs. The community reference outputs are a set of hydrological simulation outputs from various land-surface and hydrological models from previous studies. Therefore, these outputs represent the current state-of-the-art in hydrological modeling (i.e. before the improvements made in this project) and are used as a baseline reference for the rest of the project.

This datapackage contains the outputs for the PCR-GLOBWB hydrological model (globalhydrology.nl/research/models/pcr-globwb-2-0), which was developed at Utrecht University. See https://opensciencedata.4dhydro.eu/ for links to outputs from other models. Outputs are formatted according to the 4dHydro working package 2 storage protocol. For more information, please contact Bram Droppers (b.droppers@uu.nl) or Niko Wanders (n.wanders@uu.nl).

This data package has been updated. The improved version can be found here; https://public.yoda.uu.nl/geo/UU01/YA6SFX.html

Additional Info

Source http://doi.org/10.24416/UU01-5OFT7R
Creator(s) Bram Droppers; Niko Wanders; Marc Bierkens
Access type Closed Access
Collections 4dHydro
Publisher Utrecht University
Year of publication 2023