Commodity, product and factor prices in the Netherlands, 1800-1913
Price-historical database to Trials of 'Convergence. Prices, Markets and Industrialization in the Netherlands, 1800-1913' (Brill, 2021) The database on Dutch nineteenth century... -
Indonesian Military Height Data
This height data set, constructed from Indonesian military data, Indonesia Family Life Surveys (IFLS) and a sample of Europeans born in Indonesia who joined the Royal Dutch... -
Kees Smit, Brieven van en aan Arnoldus Buchelius: complete verzameling met tr...
Geannoteerde editie van alle bekende brieven van en aan Arnoldus Buchelius (Aernout van Buchell) (1565-1641) in handschrift en druk. Het gaat om 414 brieven van/aan 76 personen,... -
Credit transactions by aldermen and notaries in the Low Countries
This database was compiled as part the EURYI/VIDI research project ‘The Evolution of Financial Markets in Pre-Industrial Europe (1500-1800): A Comparative Analysis’, led by... -
Evina Steinová, A fragment of a ninth-century liturgical book in the holdings...
Transcription of a manuscript fragment of a ninth-century sacramentary bound in Ms. 163 from the library of Saint Paul's Abbey in Utrecht -
Corporate network data - Japan
To create this dataset we collected the directorship data of the 200 largest nonfinancial firms and the 50 largest financial firms, in terms of total assets, for the years 1911,... -
Reconstruction National Accounts: Economic growth in Java 1815-1939
The dataset in this datapackage was constructed for the 'Indonesian Economic History' project, which has been a concerted effort of several researchers at different universities... -
Hanna Muller, A review of the Dutch martinelli
Studie van de middeleeuwse 'martinelli' die in de Nederlanden zijn vervaardigd of zijn gebruikt. Zij bevatten de Vita Martini en aanverwante teksten. Zij worden onderling... -
Book titles per capita in the world 1500 - 2010
The dataset 'Booktitles per capita world 1500-2010' originaly forms part of the collection of Bibliometrics, which has been dowloaded from the Centre of Global Economics website... -
Public Finance of Indonesia 1817-1940
The dataset in this datapackage was constructed for the 'Indonesian Economic History' project, which has been a concerted effort of several researchers at different universities... -
Johannes Franciscus Reith, Notities uit het leven van een zondagskind
Autobiografie van Johannes Franciscus Reith (1902-1990), geschreven in 1980 en bewerkt door zijn zoon Bernard A. Reith. J. F. Reith was hoogleraar Chemische levensmiddelenleer... -
Corporate network data - Taiwan
The data is collected by including all major active Taiwanese firms in pre-war colonial period, and all listed companies in post-war period for totally eight time points since... -
Corporate network data - France
According to the general principles defined by Thomas David and Gerharda Westerhuis in order to insure comparability between countries, we have selected the ca. 50 biggest... -
Gezangen, schapen en pausen: onderzoek naar de Utrechtse Mariakerkbijbel van ...
Onderzoeksverslag over Utrecht, Universiteitsbibliotheek, Hs. 35 A 3, het tweede deel van een tweedelige bijbel, geschreven door Johannes de Tremonia, rector van de Latijnse... -
Cornelis Booth, Catalogus der handschriften van Aernout van Buchell
Beschrijving, discussie en transcriptie van Utrecht, Universiteitsbibliotheek, Hs. 1831 door Bart Jaski en Kees Smit. Hs. 1831 bevat een korte lijst met handschriften van... -
Arnoldus Buchelius, VOC-dagboek 1619-1639
Transcriptie, editie en vertaling van Kees Smit van het VOC-dagboek van Aernout van Buchell (1565-1641) voor de jaren 1619-1639. In die periode was Buchelius een van de... -
Estimates of the urbanisation process in Europe 800 - 1500
The dataset 'Estimates of the urbanisation process in Europe 800 - 1500' originally forms part of the collection of Bibliometrics, which has been downloaded from the Centre of... -
Book production in Holland 1470-1800
The dataset 'Book production in Holland 1470 - 1800' consists of an excel file with two sheets. The first sheet contains estimates on the book production in Holland, as well as... -
Tafel-Vbis: Summary of all death duties in the Netherlands in 1921
This database is a transcription of the original Tafel-Vbis source for the year 1921. Tafel V-bis is the name of a specific ledger in the Dutch inheritance tax administration... -
Corporate network data - Portugal
This dataset covers the composition of the boards of the 125 largest Portuegese firms (by assets) in several benchmark years. These years reflect the different contexts faced by...