De festo aurei velleris Traiecti celebrato … anno 1546
Transcription of Utrecht, University Library, Ms. 796, part 3 (pp. 30-36), about the parade and festivities of the Chapter of the Order of the Golden Fleece in Utrecht, 1546, a... -
Data supplement to: Mapping and classifying large deformation from digital im...
The dataset consists of the original top-view and cross-section digital photographs of the model presented in Broerse et al. (2020) (Mappingand classifying large deformation... -
Data supplement to "How debris-flow composition affects bed erosion quantity ...
Data was generated for 98 debris flow erosion experiments in a 5.4 m long flume with an erodible loosely packed sediment bed. In the 98 experiments the bed conditions were kept... -
Transcriptie T’boeck vande vroet-wijfs van Jacob Rueff vertaald uit het Hoogd...
Transcriptie van de Nederlandse tekst van Jacob Rueff, T’boeck vande vroet-wijfs, zoals vertaald uit het Hoogduits door Martinus Everaerts, gepubliceerd in Amsterdam in 1591.... -
Microstructural data and trace element concentration measurements of recrysta...
We have examined the crystal structure and and composition of recrystallised zircons from the Jack Hills, Australia and the island of Harris & Lewis, Scotland. Data has been... -
Electron Backscatter Diffraction (EBSD) data from metabasaltic fault rocks, W...
Here we provide compositional and crystallographic orientation data on metabasaltic fault rocks exhumed by the Mai’iu fault in the footwall of the Suckling-Dayman Metamorphic... -
Verbal Diminutives - Appendix
Excel file with information on language sample used for paper 'Mall events. Verbal diminutives in the language of the world' (Audring, Leufkens, Van Lier, to appear) + rtf-file... -
Original microstructural data of altered rocks and reconstructions using gene...
We image two altered rock samples consisting of a meta-igneous and a serpentinite showing an isolated porous and fracture network, respectively. The rock samples are collected... -
Data supplement to: Local magnetic anomalies in rugged volcanic terrain expla...
The dataset contains measurements made with a fluxgate magnetometer of the ambient geomagnetic field on Mt. Etna, Italy. Measurements were made in April 2018. The purpose of... -
Contact model and numerical modelling results: “Compaction of the Groningen G...
Reservoir compaction, surface subsidence and induced seismicity are often associated with prolonged hydrocarbon production. Recent experiments conducted on the Groningen gas... -
Data supplement to: Phosphorus fertilization is eradicating the niche of nort...
The greater bioavailability of nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P) and potassium (K) in the Anthropocene has strongly impacted terrestrial plant communities. In northwest Europe, high... -
Biofouled Microplastics Particle Data
Particle data for the paper "Modelling submerged biofouled microplastics and their vertical trajectories" in Copernicus Biogeosciences. -
Micro-XCT images, grain size distributions and mechanical data used in: "Unia...
The mechanical behaviour of sand aggregates is often studied as a proxy for poorly consolidated sands and highly porous sandstones. Only recently research aimed at understanding... -
Data supplement to "A Study in Blue: Secondary Copper-rich Minerals and their...
Lava tubes on Earth represent some of the most enticing Martian analogue environments when investigating the possibility of past or present life on Mars. Lava tubes provide... -
Data supplement to: Vegetation reconfigures barrier coasts and affects tidal ...
Many tidal basins associated with barrier coasts worldwide infilled over the past millennia due to the combination of sediment supply, wave-tidal sediment transport, and... -
Simulating Lagrangian Subgrid-Scale Dispersion on Neutral Surfaces in the Ocean
This repository holds the Lagrangian data, Eulerian & Lagrangian data generation scripts and analysis & visualization scripts for the manuscript 'Simulating Lagrangian... -
Integrating the geological database of the subsurface of the Netherlands, for...
This data publication provides an integrated framework of the public geological database of the Dutch subsurface, for geological interpretation. It complements the extensive... -
Data accompanying "Dynamics of Africa 75 Ma: from plate kinematic reconstruct...
Plate reconstruction studies show that the Neotethys Ocean was closing due to convergence of Africa and Eurasia towards the end of the Cretaceous. The period around 75 Ma... -
Bart Jaski, Newton door de ogen van een amateur / Newton through the eyes of ...
Webpagina over de eerste druk van Newtons Principia, geannoteerd door de Nederlander Adriaan Verwer. Nederlandse tekst en Engelse vertaling. Webpage about the first print of... -
Large-scale biaxial experiments on gypsum-gouge faults and a bare PMMA fault:...
Geodetic observations and large-scale laboratory experiments show that seismic instability is preceded by slow slip within a finite nucleation zone. In laboratory experiments...